Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Computer Hoax Categories

Malicious Code (Virus and Trojan ) Warnings

Warnings about Trojans, viruses, and othermalicious code that has no basis in fact. The GoodTimes and other similar warnings are here.

Urban Myths
Warnings and stories about bad thingshappening to people and animals that never reallyhappened. These are the poodle in the microwave andneedles in movie theater seats variety. Give Aways Stories about give aways by large companies.If you only send this on, some big company will sendyou a lot of money, clothes, a free vacation, etc.,etc. Expect to wait a long time for any of these topay off.

Inconsequential Warnings
Out of date warnings and warnings about real things that are not really much of a problem..

Sympathy Letters and Requests to Help Someone
Requests for help or sympathy for someone whohas had a problem or accident.

Traditional Chain Letters
Traditional chain letters that threaten badluck if you do not send them on or that request youto send money to the top n people on the list beforesending it on..

Threat Chains
Mail that threatens to hurt you, yourcomputer, or someone else if you do not pass on themessage.

Scam Chains
Mail messages that appear to be from alegitimate company but that are scams and cons.

Scare Chains
Mail messages that warn you about terriblethings that happen to people (especially women).

True Legends
Real stories and messages that are not hoaxes but are still making the rounds of the Internet. Hacked History


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