Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Module 5 - Moral Problems

The study of ethics is the study of moral problems. There are 4 considered moral problems relevant of computing

Problem of Moral Principle
- Humans search for a guiding method, standard or principle that can employ in making good decision and right choices in pursuit of good life. However, looking at the various theories previously discussed, there is not standard or moral principle that defines good decisions, right choices and moral action

Problem of the scope of Morality
- A moral principle should serve as a guide for making moral choices. However, there is difficulty on how individuals determine which among their choices are moral and which are not. The problem of scope of morality deals with the identifying what it includes and what it excludes

Problem of Moral Obligation
- Individuals act in accordance with the dictates of society. Conflict arises when what an individual wants to do is the reverese of what he/she ought to do as a member of the society. In this case, the problem is one conflicting moral obligations to oneself and to the society at large

Problem of Freedom
- Freedom determines whether there is morality or not. When humans are free, then there is no morality, if there are restrictions or no freedom then there must be morality. When we are free, every action we act is a unique expression of ourself, and no action is moral or immoral, right or wrong, good or bad. When we are no free, this means that there exists a recognition of the rights of others, there will always be s set of criteria or standards of morality on which our action shall be based. This problem reflects the saying: "Your rights end at the tip of my nose"


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