Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hacker's Code of Ethics

1. Do not intentionally damage any system.
2. Do not alter any system files other than ones needed to ensure yourescape from detection and your future access.
3. Do not leave your (or anyone else's) real name, real handle, or real phonenumber on any system that you access illegally.
4. Be careful who you share information with.
5. Do not leave your real phone number with anyone you do not know.
6. Do not hack government computers.
7. Don't use codes unless there is no way around it. If you use codes longenough, you will get caught.
8. Be paranoid. Remember, you are breaking the law.
9. Watch what you post on boards.
10. Don't be afraid to ask questions. That's what more experienced hackers are for.
11. Finally, you have to actually hack.


Blogger uiyughjg said...

who made this code of ethics?
in no.8, my comment is, not all hackers breaks the law. does this mean that all linux hackers(programmers) breaks the law? Linus Torvalds(linux kernel), Richard Stallman(GNU & FSF), Eric Raymond(Open Source, Writer) are few of the great hackers(they hacked), did they broke the law? How To Become A Hacker

8:33 PM  

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