Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Definition of Ethics

Derived from the Greek term “ethos” which means character or custom. Its equivalent term in Roman is the word “mores”, from which words like morality, morals and moral are derived

It is intertwined with customs and traditions believed in adopted by particular community. What is “ethical” is therefore relative to the customs applicable to a community

e.g software piracy might be ethical in in Asia but unethical in US.

The study of the morality of human action

Human actions are judged as ethical or unethical depending on the circumstances surrounding the same and based on certain standards generally accepted by a particular community of group of people.

e.g.hacking, plagiarism, infringing IP rights

Ethics focuses on the care for the soul

This focus of this definition is religious or spiritual. Unethical or immoral acts are those that bring sins that contaminate the human soul

An area of Philosophy that deals with man's pursuit of the “good life”

The attainment of “good life” is predicated upon one's adherence to ethics. This is means that ethics is used as a means to reach a particular end which justifies the “good life”

The study and philosophy of human conduct with emphasis on the determination of right and wrong

Human conduct as manifested through human actions may either be right/ethical or wrong/unethical

Ethics deals with the basic principles of right action especially with reference to a particular person or profession.

This pertains to the norms that govern human actions specifically in the practice of a profession or craft

Ethics as a concept suggests that notion of correct or incorrect practice relative to various concerns or fields of study

This pertains to the growing need to address moral issues and unethical practices within the boundaries of various areas of study. This is also referred as applied ethics


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