Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Module 8 - Privacy Issues

Database Privacy

The information you supply to databases should be used only for their intended purpose. Such information should not be distributed openly. For example, it is unethical for a bank to sell client account information to other banks.

Email Privacy

Only you and the intended recipients, and nobody else, should read what you write in your emails. It is therefore unethical for system administra­tors who have access to your account to read your mail sent folders and mailboxes.

Privacy on the Web

Ideally, only you should know the websites you visited. However, be­cause of access logs, the websites you visit may be known especially to system administrators who have access to these logs.

An issue related to privacy is the establishment of a national identifica­tion system. National ID cards have long been advocated as a means to enhance national security, unmask potential terrorists, and guard against illegal immigrants. They are in use in many countries around the world, including most European countries, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.

One basic issue against its institution in every country is the privacy issuesince the card might contain basic personal information of individualsthat will also be maintained in some central computer of the government.Countries opposing its institution are arguing that it is open to abuse bygovernments. But with the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in theUS, most governments are again opening the debate on the possibility ofintroducing a national identification system.

In this case we see that a national identification system is considered ethi­cal in some countries and unethical in other countries.

Finally, there are many ways exist to enhance your privacy online. One method is the use of encryption in every transaction you make in the Internet.


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